How to Groom an Australian Shepherd Dog

You can encourage your Aussie to adopt healthier and more sensible habits by being persistent and patient with them. Desensitization and counter-conditioning methods can also be used by qualified trainers to change possessive behaviors. These techniques include gradually exposing your dog to stressful situations, rewarding positive behavior, and reducing possessiveness. Addressing possessive behavior requires a focus on positive reinforcement.

Never make a big deal of leaving, but always make a fuss of them when you come back so that they know there’s something to look forward to when you go out. They can feel lonely when they’re left alone often and are prone to suffering from separation anxiety. This is when dogs feel an overwhelming sense of anxiety over being apart from their owners. Alternatively, you could invest in a dog gate that keeps them confined to a small, safe area of the house. Either way, your pup should have enough room to stand up, lay down, and move around. Of course, not everyone can do that, but it doesn’t hurt to make inquiries.

Read more about aussies for sale here.

australian shepherd intitle:how

The location where you’re searching for an Australian Shepherd can also influence the price. In areas with high demand or limited availability, you might find that the cost is higher than in other regions. Additionally, transportation costs can add to the overall price if you’re purchasing a dog from a different location. They have a loving and loyal nature and are very good around family members.

It is accepted that the breed was developed in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, but it is unclear exactly which breeds were crossed to create it. Australian Shepherds make excellent running partners for active owners. They enjoy the stamina-building exercise and the mental stimulation that comes with new sights and sounds. Always build up distance gradually and be mindful of weather conditions, as Aussies can be sensitive to heat.

The Wrong Ways to Socialize an Australian Shepherd Puppy

Read more about aussie puppies for sale here.

Do You Have Trouble Getting Or Keeping Your Aussie’s Attention?

Some Aussie owners might have previous training experience regarding herding or show-ring purposes. Plus, some dogs unexpectedly develop behavior problems that need correcting by a professional. A reasonable rate for general-purpose dog trainers is $50 an hour. For a one-to-one, specialist, or show training service, the cost rises to $80 and $100 an hour, sometimes more. Some dog trainers, like Doggy Dan, provide a convenient online service for an affordable solution that fits into your schedule. This is why pups from responsible breeders are more expensive than ones without certificates and papers. Don’t be tempted to save money by buying a cheap puppy or one from a backyard breeder or puppy mill.

A well-socialized puppy becomes a kind, friendly, and well-adjusted dog. The wooden handle has a full-tang, so you know it won’t work loose.

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